IFIP WG2.5 Working Conference 8

Software Architecture for Scientific Computing Applications

Final Program

All presentations were in the Auditorium, Building M-50, NRC.

Most conference papers were available in PDF, and some links given by the speakers are also given below.

Sunday October 1

Opening Reception, 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm at the Novotel Hotel Ottawa.

Monday October 2

9:00 am

Network-based Scientific Computing
Elias N. Houstis, Purdue University

9:45 am

Broadway: A Software Architecture for Scientific Computing
Samuel Z. Guyer, University of Texas at Austin
Calvin Lin, University of Texas at Austin

10:30 am break

11:00 am

Developing an Architecture to Support the Implementation and Development of Scientific Computing Applications
Dorian C. Arnold, Computer Science Dept, University of Tennessee
Jack J. Dongarra, Computer Science Dept, University of Tennessee


11:45 am

Data Management Systems for Scientific Applications
Reagan Moore, San Diego Supercomputer Center

Data-intensive Computing

12:30 pm lunch

2:00 pm

PETS and Overture: Lessons Learned Developing an Interface Between Components
Kristopher R. Buschelman, Argonne National Laboratory
William D. Gropp, Argonne National Laboratory
Lois C. McInnes, Argonne National Laboratory
Barry F. Smith, Argonne National Laboratory

PETSc The Portable, Extensible Toolkit for Scientific Computation

2:45 pm

On the Role of Mathematical Abstractions for Scientific Computing
Krister Ahlander, University of Bergen
Magne Haveraaen, University of Bergen
Hans Munthe-Kaas, University of Bergen

3:30 pm break

4:00 pm

The VTF Application Framework
James C. T. Pool, California Institute of Technology

Center for Simulation of Dynamic Response of Materials

Tuesday October 3

9:00 am

Formal Methods for High-Performance Linear Algebra Libraries
John Gunnels, The University of Texas at Austin
Robert van de Geijn, The University of Texas at Austin

TXBLAS: Dynamically Tuned Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms

9:45 am

Software Components for Application Development
Anne Trefethen, NAG

10:30 am break

11:00 am

Component Technology for High-Performance Scientific Simulation Software
Kevin Durrenberger, LLNL
Thomas Epperly, LLNL
Scott Kohn, LLNL
Gary Kumfert, LLNL
Brent Smolinski, LLNL

Common Component Architecture Forum

11:45 am

A New Approach to Software Integration Frameworks for Multi-Physics Simulation Codes
Eric de Sturler, University of Illinois
Jay Hoeflinger, University of Illinois
Sanjay Kale, University of Illinois
Milind Bhandarkar, University of Illinois

Center for Simulation of Advanced Rockets

12:30 pm lunch

2:00 pm

Hierarchichal Representation and Computation of Approximate Solutions in Scientific Simulations
Wayne H. Enright, University of Toronto

2:45 pm

Software Architecture for the investigation of controllable models with complex data sets
Vladimir I. Gurman, Program Systems Institute, Russian Academy of Science
Dmitry V. Belyshev, Program Systems Institute, Russian Academy of Science

3:30 pm break

4:00 pm

Multi-Language Hybrid Programming for High Performance Java Computing on SP Systems
Vladimir Getov, University of Westminster

7:00 pm

Banquet with Cocktail Reception, visit of the Canada Hall Gallery, and Dinner at the Canadian Museum of Civilization, Hull, Quebec.

Wednesday October 4

9:00 am

A Comprehensive DFT API for Scientific Computing
Ping Tak Peter Tang, Intel Corporation

9:45 am

New Generalized Data Structure for Matrices Leading to a Variety of HighPerformance Algorithms
Fred Gustavson, IBM

10:30 am break

11:00 am

A Collaborative Code Development Environment for Computational Electromagnetics
Matthew Shields, University of Wales
Omer F. Rana, University of Wales
David W. Walker, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
David Golby, BAE Systems

11:45 am

Code Coupling Using Parallel CORBA Objects
Christophe René, IRISA/IFSIC
Thierry Priol, IRISA/INRIA
Guillaume Alléon, Aérospatiale Matra Corporate Research Center

12:30 pm lunch

2:00 pm

Object-oriented modelling of parallel PDE solvers
Michael Thuné, Uppsala University
Malin Ljungberg, Uppsala University
Markus Nordén, Uppsala University
Jarmo Rantakokko, Uppsala University
Krister Åhlander, Uppsala University
Kurt Otto, Uppsala University

2:45 pm

A Fortran Interface for POSIX Threads
Richard J. Hanson, Rice University

3:30 pm

Closing summary

3:40 pm break

The following accepted paper could not be presented due to illness:

Future Generations of Problem Solving Environments
Jose C. Cunha, Universidade Nova de Lisboa

The following accepted paper was not presented:

PEBBLES: A Parallel Algebraic Multigrid Library
Gundolf Haase, Johannes Kepler University Linz
Michael Kuhn, Johannes Kepler University Linz
Ulrich Langer, Johannes Kepler University Linz
Stefan Reitzinger, Johannes Kepler University Linz

Last modified: March 16, 2005