Why might we
anticipate software architecture for scientific applications might
differ from software architecture suitable for other situations?
Scientific applications often are very large computations that
strain the resources of whatever computers are available. Clever
algorithms and data structures may need to be utilized so that the
computation can be done with acceptable efficiency, or even so that it
can be done at all. The intended computation is often ill defined, or
at least incompletely defined, and completion of the specification
must be suggested by experience, analogy to other computations, or
heuristics. Data types may include not just structures of text and
numbers, but the full range of multimedia, from sound to simultaneous
time series, from still images to video. Scientific applications
typically require deep scientific and domain knowledge, and depend on
subtle interplay of different approximations. They often implement
sophisticated mathematics. In many cases, numerical computations need
to be carefully arranged not just to avoid inaccurate results, but to
avoid instability of processes. Sensitivity to external input data can
be a problem, and inadequate input data is common. Insightful display
of computed quantities may be essential for analyzing and interpreting
results or for interactive control to steer the
computation. Scientific computations are often experiments, and must
be controlled, recorded, and categorized so that they can be compared
to other experimental observations.
These characteristics make the implementation of scientific
applications challenging, but have little direct effect on the
architecture chosen for the software. Two classes of characteristics
do, however, have significant impact on software architectures that
are, or should be, used for scientific applications. The first of
these is the characteristics of the context in which scientific
applications are implemented, and the second is the characteristics of
the context in which scientific applications evolve. Can you suggest
Implementation Context
- Developers of scientific applications usually have deep
understanding of the science, and deep domain knowledge. They may have
deep knowledge of the relevant mathematics. On the other hand, they
typically don't see themselves as professional programmers; they see
themselves as scientists. A consequence of this is that they are not
familiar with modern software engineering practice and knowledge and
may not recognize the need for it. As an extreme illustration, all too
often they produce little or no documentation.
- Normally, no formal specification document exists before or even
after the application is implemented.
- The development team often is distributed geographically and
organizationally, that is, there is no single organizational
management in control of the development, and developers are often
volunteers from diverse organizations.
- Using and supporting shared libraries is a well-established
practice in this community, as is working with libraries and tools
obtained from third parties. Today input/output to working and
persistent store and to networked computers must be done in consistent
ways in related application programs, which is most easily guaranteed
be a common I/O library.
- Conservatism of customers and compatibility with existent
libraries restrict implementations to older languages, older
programming environments, and older tools, so advances reliant on
changes in these are unlikely to be accepted.
- Performance of scientific applications is often critical, hence
elegant architectures which imply performance penalties, for example
on parallel computers, will not be accepted.
- Mixed language is not uncommon.
- Open source is a common form of distribution, with the corollary
that knowing which specific version is in use is often
Evolution Context
- Revisions of scientific applications to produce new versions often
entail changes that are not local. For example, changes to physics
models tend to change every equation as well as initial conditions and
boundary values. Thus an architecture that decomposed the physical
region being modeled into subregions, each handled by a separate
software module, would require changes to all the modules. However,
the changes are often systematic and could be generated
- Code ownership migrates over time as interested developers change
to different institutions, or as researchers at new institutions
choose to contribute. Merging multiple development streams is
- Formal responsibility for maintenance rarely exists, and
correspondingly scaffolding tools necessary for maintenance and
evolution are generally unsupported.
- Regression testing is rare; indeed facilities for regression
testing of components or for regression testing of system integration
are almost unknown. Consequently retesting after enhancement is
expensive and often omitted.
- Although many developers of scientific applications may believe
otherwise, software lifetime of such applications are often measured
in decades, even though not a single line of code may persist