Electronic Proceedings of
IFIP/WG2.5 (Numerical Software)
International Workshop,

Kyoto, Japan

edited by Takao TSUDA (Kyoto University)

  1. The title of the Workshop
  2. IFIP/WG2.5 International Workshop on Current Directions in Numerical Software and High Performance Computing, Kyoto, Japan

  3. Date and venue
  4. 19 and 20 October 1995 at Kyoto International Community House near Nanzenji. A map is available.

  5. The purpose and the results of the workshop
  6. As was done in Beijing(1989), Toronto(1992), Copenhagen(1993), and Raleigh(1994), in conjunction with the IFIP/WG2.5 regular meeting in Kyoto, an international workshop was held to promote the academic interactions between the local researchers and the members of WG2.5. The title of the workshop is broad enough, so almost any topic in numerical mathematics and software could be included. The meeting was just the right size, and people who gathered enjoyed in an informal atmosphere giving, and listening to, talks in the workshop. The purpose of mutual interactions were completely attained. In what follows, the final program, papers and copies of slides used in the talks, and a list of participants are shown.

  7. Final program with papers, abstracts and slides

  8. List of participants

For more information, contact ifip-wg25@kuis.kyoto-u.ac.jp