Electronic Proceedings of
IFIP/WG2.5 (Numerical Software)
International Workshop,
Kyoto, Japan
edited by Takao TSUDA (Kyoto University)
- The title of the Workshop
IFIP/WG2.5 International Workshop on Current Directions in Numerical
Software and High Performance Computing, Kyoto, Japan
- Date and venue
19 and 20 October 1995 at Kyoto International Community House
near Nanzenji. A map is available.
- The purpose and the results of the workshop
As was done in Beijing(1989), Toronto(1992), Copenhagen(1993), and
Raleigh(1994), in conjunction with the IFIP/WG2.5 regular
meeting in
Kyoto, an international workshop was held to promote the
academic interactions between the local researchers and the members
of WG2.5. The title of the workshop is broad enough, so almost
any topic in numerical mathematics and software could be included.
The meeting was just the right size, and people who gathered enjoyed
in an informal atmosphere giving, and listening to, talks in the
workshop. The purpose of mutual interactions were completely
attained. In what follows, the final program, papers and copies of
slides used in the talks, and a list of participants are shown.
- Final program with papers, abstracts and slides
Thursday, October 19
- Morning session (9:30-12:30)
Chairman: M. Shimasaki, Kyushu University
- Bo Einarsson (Linköping University, Sweden)
- Mixed Language Programming. Part 4, Mixing ANSI-C with
Fortran 77 or Fortran 90
( paper )
- Tetsuro Yamamoto (Ehime University)
- Nonlinear SOR-like Methods and their Applications
( paper )
- Ulrich Kulisch (Universität Karlsruhe, Germany)
- A New Vector Arithmetic Coprocessor Chip for the PC
( slides )
- Mitsuhiro Nakao (Kyushu University)
- Guaranteed Error Bounds for the Finite Element Solutions
of Elliptic Partial Differential Equations
( paper )
- Afternoon session (13:30-17:20)
Chairman: P. Gaffney, Bergen Software Services International, Norway
- John Rice (Purdue University, U.S.A.)
- Problem Solving Environments for Scientific Computing
( abstract and slides )
The slides are at the Purdue server
- Kokichi Sugihara (University of Tokyo)
- Combinatorial Abstraction --- A New Paradigm for Robust
Geometric Computation
( paper )
- Wayne Enright (University of Toronto, Canada)
- Reliable Error Control for ODE Methods
( abstract and slides )
- Shun Doi, Hideo Fujio, and Kouta Sugihara (NEC C&C Research Laboratories)
- FEEL: A Simulation Language for Finite Element Analysis
( slides )
- David Gay and Eric Grosse (AT&T, U.S.A.)
- d1mach revisited: no more uncommenting DATA statements
- ( summary written by Bo Einarsson )
- Full paper published in the ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software 1999:
Self-adapting Fortran 77 machine constants: comment on Algorithm 528
Friday, October 21
- Morning session (9:20-12:30)
Chairman: E. Grosse, AT&T, U.S.A.
- Brian Ford (NAG, U.K.)
- The New NAG Numerical PVM Library
(or A New Parallel Numerical Library Based on PVM)
( abstract )
- Takaaki Nishida (Kyoto University)
- Bifurcation Problems for Equations of Fluid Dynamics
and Computer Assisted Proof
( abstract(Postscript) )
- Hans Stetter (Technische Universität Wien, Austria)
- The Use of Algebraic Algorithms in Scientific Computing
( abstract )
- Seiji Fujino (Hiroshima City University)
- High-Order Difference Schemes by Modification of the Right-Hand
Side of 3D Poisson's Equation to Parallel Computations
( paper )
- Afternoon session (13:30-16:40)
Chairman: T. Yamamoto, Ehime University
- M.A. Vouk, R. Balay, and J. Amborosiano (North Carolina State University, U.S.A.)
- EDSS - An Environment for Large-Scale Numerical Computing and
Decision Making
( abstract )
- Kohshi Okumura (Kyoto University)
- On the Applications of Interval Arithmetic Electrical Network
( abstract )
- John Reid (Rutherford Appleton Lab., U.K.)
- Exception Handling in Fortran (presented by Bo Einarsson)
( paper )
- Y. Okabe, M. Nakamura, and T. Tsuda (Kyoto University)
- New Fast Algorithms for First-Order Linear Recurrences on
Vector Computers
( paper(Postscript) )
- List of participants
- WG 2.5 committee (* speaker)
- Prof. Bo EINARSSON (Linköping University, Sweden)*
- Prof. Wayne H. ENRIGHT (University of Toronto, Canada)*
- Dr. Brian FORD (NAG, U.K.)*
- Dr. Eric GROSSE (AT&T, U.S.A.)*
- Dr. Patrick GAFFNEY (Bergen Software Services International, Norway)
- Prof. E. N. HOUSTIS (Purdue University, U.S.A.)
- Prof. Ulrich KULISCH (Universität Karlsruhe, Germany)*
- Prof. John RICE (Purdue University, U.S.A.)*
- Prof. Masaaki SHIMASAKI (Kyushu University, Japan)
- Prof. Brian T. SMITH (The University of New Mexico, U.S.A.)
- Prof. Hans J. STETTER (Technische Universitat Wien, Austria)*
- Prof. Takao TSUDA (Kyoto University, Japan)
- Prof. Mladen A. VOUK (North Carolina State University, U.S.A.)*
- Speakers
- Dr. Shun DOI (NEC C&C Research Laboratories, Japan)
- Prof. Seiji FUJINO (Hiroshima City University, Japan)
- Prof. Mitsuhiro NAKAO (Kyushu University, Japan)
- Prof. Takaaki NISHIDA (Kyoto University, Japan)
- Dr. Yasuo OKABE (Kyoto University, Japan)
- Prof. Koushi OKUMURA (Kyoto University, Japan)
- Prof. Tetsuro YAMAMOTO (Ehime University, Japan)
- Others
- Toshiyuki IMAMURA (Kyoto University, Japan)
- Prof. Hozumi HANADA (The University of Electro-Communications, Japan)
- Dong Soo HAN (Kyoto University, Japan)
- Dr. Hidehiko HASEGAWA (The University of Library and Information Science, Japan)
- Minako HASHIMOTO (Ochanomizu University, Japan)
- Dr. Y. HATANO (Chukyo University, Japan)
- Dr. David K. KAHANER (Asian Technology Information Program, Japan)
- Hideyuki KAWABATA (Hiroshima City University, Japan)
- Akira KOJIMA (Kyoto University, Japan)
- Dr. Yoshitoshi KUNIEDA (Kyoto University, Japan)
- Prof. Teruo MATSUZAWA (Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Japan)
- Prof. Umpei NAGASHIMA (Ochanomizu University, Japan)
- Prof. T. NODERA (Keio University, Japan)
- Kazunori SUGIYAMA (Kyoto University, Japan)
- Tetsutaro UEHARA (Kyoto University, Japan)
For more information, contact ifip-wg25@kuis.kyoto-u.ac.jp