Workshop on current directions
in numerical software
and high performance computing
Kyoto International Community House
2-1 Awataguchi Torii-cho, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto, Japan
Oct. 19--20, 1995
JAPANESE Version is HERE / 日本語版はこちら
Thursday, October 19
Morning session (Chairman: Shimasaki, Kyushu University)
9.20-10.00 Bo Einarsson (Linköping University, Sweden)
Mixed Language Programming. Part 4, Mixing ANSI-C with
Fortran 77 or Fortran 90
10.00-10.40 Tetsuro Yamamoto (Ehime University)
Nonlinear SOR-like Methods and their Applications
Break (Refreshments)
11.10-11.50 Ulrich Kulisch (Universitat Karlsruhe, Germany)
A New Vector Arithmetic Coprocessor Chip for the PC
11.50-12.30 Mitsuhiro Nakao (Kyushu University)
Guaranteed Error Bounds for the Finite Element Solutions
of Elliptic Partial Differential Equations
Lunch (on your own) (There is the restaurant `Ancienne Ville' within the
same building.)
Afternoon session (Chairman: Gaffney, Bergen Software Services International, Norway)
1.30-2.10 John Rice (Purdue University, U.S.A.)
Problem Solving Environments for Scientific Computing
2.10-2.50 Kokichi Sugihara (University of Tokyo)
Combinatorial Abstraction --- A New Paradigm for Robust
Geometric Computation
Break (Refreshments)
3.20-4.00 Wayne Enright (University of Toronto, Canada)
Reliable Error Control for ODE Methods
4.00-4.40 Shun Doi, Hideo Fujio, and Kouta Sugihara (NEC C&C Research
FEEL: A Simulation Language for Finite Element Analysis
4.40-5.20 David Gay and Eric Grosse (AT&T, U.S.A.)
d1mach revisited : no more uncommenting DATA statements
6.00- Dinner party at Reception Room
Friday, October 20
Morning session (Chairman: Grosse, AT&T, U.S.A.)
9.20-10.00 Brian Ford (NAG, U.K.)
The New NAG Numerical PVM Library
(or A New Parallel Numerical Library Based on PVM)
10.00-10.40 Takaaki Nishida (Kyoto University)
Bifurcation Problems for Equations of Fluid Dynamics
and Computer Assisted Proof
Break (Refreshments)
11.10-11.50 Hans Stetter (Technische Universitat Wien, Austria)
The Use of Algebraic Algorithms in Scientific Computing
11.50-12.30 Seiji Fujino (Hiroshima City University)
High-Order Difference Schemes by Modification of the Right-Hand
Side of 3D Poisson's Equation to Parallel Computations
Lunch (on your own)
Afternoon session (Chairman: Yamamoto, Ehime University)
1.30-2.10 M.A. Vouk, R. Balay, and J. Amborosiano (North Carolina State
University, U.S.A.)
EDSS - An Environment for Large-Scale Numerical Computing and
Decision Making
2.10-2.50 Kohshi Okumura (Kyoto University)
On the Applications of Interval Arithmetic Electrical Network
Break (Refreshments)
3.20-4.00 John Reid (Rutherford Appleton Lab., U.K.)
Exception Handling in Fortran (presented by Bo Einarsson)
4.00-4.40 Y. Okabe, M. Nakamura, and T. Tsuda (Kyoto University)
New Fast Algorithms for First-Order Linear Recurrences on
Vector Computers
For more information, contact Wilfried Gansterer