edited by
Ronald F. Boisvert
National Institute of Standards and Technology,
Gaithersburg, Maryland, USA
Published by CHAPMAN & HALL (transformed first to
Kluwer and later to Springer)
on behalf of the International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP),
LONDON and NEW YORK 1997, $ 139.95 or £ 75.
ISBN 0-412-80530-8.
The publishers page for the proceedings is available.
Preface Brian Ford and John R. Rice ix
Is numerical software relevant? Is it too late to worry about quality? James C. T. Pool 3-11 The T-experiments: errors in scientific software L. Hatton 12-31 If software quality is a perception, how do we measure it? W. M. Gentleman 32-43 Improving quality through user-centered design Cherri M. Pancake 44-60 A functional approach to software reliability modeling J. C. Munson 61-76 Quality of service and scientific workflows Mladen A. Vouk and Munindar P. Singh 77-89 Improving the quality of software quality determination processes Leon J. Osterweil 90-106
Testing linear algebra software Nicholas J. Higham 109-124 Matrix Market : a web resource for test matrix collections Ronald F. Boisvert, Roldan Pozo, Karin Remington, Richard F. Barrett and Jack J. Dongarra 125-137 A methodology for testing classes of approximation and optimisation software Bernard Butler, Maurice Cox, Alistair Forbes, Simon Hannaby and Peter Harris 138-151 Evaluation of minimization software based on performance profile techniques J. N. Lyness 152-154 Testing functions of one and two arguments W. Van Snyder 155-166 A proposed software test service for special functions Daniel W. Lozier 167-178 The evaluation of numerical software for delay differential equations W. H. Enright and H. Hayashi 179-193
Designing and building a new numerical library in Fortran 90 Jeremy Du Croz 197-209 Two approaches to exception handling in Fortran J. K. Reid 210-223 Developing ODE software in new computing environments L. F. Shampine and M. W. Reichelt 224-235 Case studies on the development of ScaLAPACK and the NAG Numerical PVM Library Jack J. Dongarra, S. Hammarling, and A. Petitet 236-248 Why we couldn't use numerical libraries for PETSc William D. Gropp 249-254 Automatic parallel program generation for finite element analysis Shun Doi, Hidehiro Fujio and Kouta Sugihara 255-266 Network-based scientific computation via Inferno W. M. Coughran, Jr. 267-269 Real Inferno Eric Grosse 270-279 The XSC tools for extended scientific computing Ulrich Kulisch 280-284
Automatic differentiation and numerical software design Christian H. Bischof 287-299 Is nonnormality a serious computational difficulty in practice? Françoise Chaitin-Chatelin 300-314 Reliability of local error control algorithms for initial value ordinary differential equations Desmond J. Higham 315-325 Efficiency of global adaptive quadrature I. Gladwell and M.A. Napierala 326-329 Software testing and evaluation in large-scale scientific applications Mo Mu 330-332 The visual diagnosis on numerical calculation of PDE problems and experiments Yukio Umetani 333-344 Some fundamental limitations of mathematical software revealed by the calculation of spacetime curvature S. L. Lee and W. E. Schiesser 345-348 Development of efficient general purpose Monte Carlo codes used in nuclear engineering M. Nakagawa 349-360 New resource-sparing grid methods for solving the problems of mathematical physics Yu. I. Shokin 361-372
The Quality of Numerical Software: Assessment and Enhancement 375-380 Index of Contributors 381 Keyword Index 383-384